little bit big

Well monkey claims to only be a little bit big. He is not big in case he has to do big boy things but he isn’t a baby either as he no longer does baby things except tantrums of course.

Going into school I was politely told that he is a big boy and doesn’t need mom to walk him into school. So on day 4 I ask whether I should walk him in or leave him. Clinging to my hand it is very apparent I need to walk him in.
Nanny says to him but now who will look after me all day I am home alone. Its replied with he is a big boy and has to go to school now. So Nanny says well she will make him small again to stay home. “That’s ok I will just grow big again and go to school.”

I am in awe of my little bit big boy in his answers and his willingness to be separated from his family and comfort zone.

He has learnt to follow dots, color in within the lines all within a space of two days and can write the first letter of his surname without following the dots.

He is already getting homework and he is three should he be getting homework so early in life.

Sigh its a good thing I supose from early to teach him homework is part of life so by the time serious homework starts he will know its life.

Sigh but now I have to do it to.

big boy SERIOUSLY!!!!!

“I am big now mom I want to go to school”. “Not today baby its saturday when only on Monday”. “Whyyyyy”. So tears and a tantrum ensues.

Sunday comes a repeat of the want to go to school scenario. By Monday I think he has forgotten and so leave him to sleep.

Tuesday morning his eyes open and he shouts “I am going to school today”. Not having taken him seriously I have done no research into schools and in fact the only school I know of is a muslim school. I want my child to be tolerant of all races religions and people and so I make a quick decision he will go to that school.

So I dress him and he asks if cookaloo is also going to school. I explain no she doesn’t want to go to school and he sobs loudly telling me to phone her. Now school isn’t looking as fun as it started out but off to school we go.

I am nervous and so pay for the day only and not more. I look at monkey and his lip is trembling and he is close to tears. With a quivering lip and teary eyes he bravely kisses me good bye.

All day I am in a tiz is he ok what is he doing. When he stayed at home I was able to phone him daily to check on him. I can’t wait for hubby to fetch him and so give them a call of course he was perfectly fine.

On arrival my hubby gets told the big boys are in the back class rooms. Huh big boy monkey is 3 he isn’t a big boy. But looking at creche status yip 3 is the big boys lol.

He was so excited to go to school he couldn’t wait to sleep so he could return to school. This morning he woke up shouting he is going to school.

We had a few moments of tears for various reasons but all in all the excitement reigned. We dropped him off paid for the month of creche and thankfully he is still eager to go again tomorrow.

My little monkey has homework, he is 3 and has homework as he is learning to follow dots. In one day he learnt to trace follow dots and colour in between the lines. I am impressed that’s for sure his teacher must be amazing to have achieved that.

Sigh my little monkey is no longer little but obviously a big boy.